A look into Trade License Dubai Fees
For every business entity in Dubai it is highly important to obtain a trade license. It is not possible to conduct any business activity in Dubai or UAE without it. For any investor or entrepreneur who wants to conduct a business in Dubai must keep into consideration different govt. permits and licensing procedures so that a smooth process of business activity can be started. Many of you may want to know about trade license Dubai fees but before even we get started on that, you must understand that why you need a license for conducting any business activity in Dubai and United Arab Emirates.
- A business trade license helps people to identify your business enterprise.
- With a trade license you ensure that your business is accountable for all commercial activities which are conducted under your enterprise name.
- Trade license helps ensure safety of people through procedural measures.
- With a trade license in hand and trade license Dubai fees paid to the government, you ensure that you can take part in any profitable governmental measures.
- Another most significant advantage of having a trade license in Dubai is that you do not have to pay any taxes. An entity which holds such license is not required to pay any taxes on their incomes, profits or any other amounts.
- Obtaining such trade license permits the holder of the licensed company to manufacture and import all products as mentioned in the contract without any limitations.
- It makes the process so easy to apply for visa for dependents and employees. As these traders can sponsor them, so it becomes easy to obtain UAE visas.
Which department in Dubai is responsible for providing trade license to companies?
- In United Arab Emirates, Economic Department of the Emirates is responsible for issuing trade license after accepting trade license fees to the department.
- Whereas if you want to establish your business entity in Dubai, Department of Economic Development is responsible for issuing trade license once trade license Dubai fees are paid to the respective department.
How many types of trade license are given by the Dubai Department of Economic Development?
There are three main types of trade license which are issued to businesses in Dubai after paying trade license Dubai fees.
But issuance of trading license depends on the activities you want to conduct in the city and also in some instances, it depends on the jurisdiction. There are many jurisdictions in Dubai and each one of them has separate licensing requirements.
- Commercial Trade License:
You need a commercial trade license if you want to run a commercial enterprise or want to deal in trading.
- Industrial Trade License:
Companies which want to run industrial activities in the Dubai city, they need industrial trade license after paying significant trade license Dubai fees.
- Professional Trade License:
This license in entitled for those businesses which want to have service oriented activities.
Renewal of trade license:
Before starting your business in Dubai, you must know that trade licenses in Dubai are not issued for life. They need to be renewed on annual basis by the DED department of Dubai.
You need to continuously monitor the expiry date of your trade license as you may have to face penalties if your trade license expires and you have not applied for renewal before the expiration date.
If you missed the renewal date, you may face penalties where your business activities can be frozen and your license can be banned.
Well now as you understand that how the basic procedure of licensing works in Dubai, now you should know that what trade license Dubai fees you will be paying for acquiring trade license to start your business activities.
Factors which influence trade license Dubai fees:
Trade license Dubai fees are not same for each type of trade license. They vary accordingly as different factors play their role.
Below is the list of factors which influence trade license fees:
- Having a company sponsor
- Multiple partnerships
- Type of business activity
- Region where you are establishing your business
- Structure of the business
- Location of the business
Based on all these factors, a trade license in Dubai costs 15000 AED to 50,000 AED and in some cases it can get higher.
Please remember that free zone companies and mainland companies have to bear different trade license fees based on their business requirements. Unless all the factors are finalized, an exact cost cannot be specified.
But to give you idea that how much a company formation can cost you in Dubai, below is an estimated cost of a Limited Liability Company which owners have to face while establishing a business entity in Dubai.
Cost of LLC Company Formation in Dubai
Cost of LLC Company Formation in Dubai depends on the kind of business that you have selected. Here is the estimated rate for company formation and visa.
Dubai LLC Company registration cost:
- Trade license of an LLC company costs around 15000 AED.
- For normal trading, the fee of chamber of commerce is AED 1200 per year but if you want to form an industrial company, then this fee is AED 2200.
- For normal trading company, waste fee for municipality is AED 1000 per year. Alternatively, this fee comes to AED 2000 for industrial trade.
- For foreign trade an extra fee of AED 2000 is charged every year.
- 5 % of building rent to be remunerated to government.
- For the establishment of general trading company, you have to pay one – time fee of 15000.
Well the above article has thrown clear light on how can you start your business enterprise in Dubai and for each business activity and jurisdiction, different types of trade licenses are required. Trade license Dubai fees vary to a great extent based on the kind of business you want to start. Location, business activity, partnerships and other factors greatly influence trade license Dubai fees to a great extent.